Thursday 21 August 2008

Who needs colour? - My search for MacPaint

Image Source: Mac Daniel

I've been frantically searching the web for some kind of MacPaint clone or ROM of some kind. The search has lead me to all kinds of interesting sites, including this long history of interactive design on Étienne Mineur's blog, and a nice MacPaint Primer on MacDaniel's Advice.

Finding a clone or even an old disk image is a lot more difficult than you'd think, considering most of the results from my search were of forum threads either asking for some kind of clone or discussing what were the best alternatives. I did, however, manage to find what I was looking for.

I found a disk image of MacPaint 1.5 and Mini vMac, a fairly simple Mac emulator. I say fairly because I'm not that proficient when it comes to computers, but I still managed to get it up and running. There's a good Mini vMac guide on that I'll be pouring over for the next few days, there are a lot of other programmes available besides MacPaint that I'm sure will be fun.

I still have a lot of experimenting to do, but I managed to knock out the above illustration (and screen-grabbed, not yet sure how I'm going to save these images) just to make sure it was all working. I'm really looking forward to it, though, as the aesthetic is something I really enjoy.

*The disk images available for download are only there for those who own/ed the original programmes but have since lost or damaged them. Technically these programmes still belong to Apple but have since been discontinued, which is why they are so difficult to come by.*

1 comment:

viagra online said...

Yeah with macpaint I can do a lot of things, personally I guess that black and white it's better tham colours.