Monday, 22 September 2008


Gickr is a free online utility that allows you to upload images or videos and create your very own animated GIF. It's extremely simple and fairly effective - you can choose size and speed and finally can choose to download and/or hotlink the image from their server. As a result, they have a vast gallery of user created GIFs. The gallery is pretty great if not a bit disturbing, acting as a window into the psyche of today's youth, which is basically: bling, porn and plenty of narcissism (surprisingly not a lot of guns, though).

Most of what you find are slideshows of either people taking pics of themselves in the mirror with their mobiles or images scraped off the internet mixed in with webcam images - it can get pretty bland - sometimes, though, you get something so bad it's good, or something where the user is actually playing with animation. The product isn't quite as flash as Blingee, but together I'm pretty sure they could easily rule the internet.

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