Tuesday 3 June 2008


The C-Monster Artspeak Quiz is a simple five question multiple choice quiz where you have to guess which clip of text goes with which artist's work. The beauty of it is that it's all so convoluted, you're not even meant to know the answers (you can win a "consolation" prize if you do, though)!

It made me laugh at first, but then it made me mad - hopping mad! Artspeak is just one of those things that reminds me why I will never actually have a career in the arts. I just can't take myself seriously enough to buy into the rhetoric!

By taking a position of absolutes, namely cosmological embeddedness and the influence of nature on human life and society, this exhibit goes against the relativist grain.

Seriously, what does that even mean?!?

Via Art Fag City (OMG indeed)

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